Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Crystal Black Shrimp

Can you spot the Crystal Black Shrimp? My Mini Nana is growing quite slow...I hope they will eventually covered up the corner.

CRS on Riccia

This is the effect I always wanted, the light green color of Riccia bring out the color of the CRS!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

CRS grade A

Can you see the 4 white marking on the tail? For lower grade CRS you can only see 4 dots! and for some higher grade you can have the whole tail white in color!

CRS fighting for food

The only way to see them is to throw a shrimp pellet!

Top view of CRS grade A and C

The grade A Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS) is on the right side, can see the solid white and red band whereas the grade C you can't hardy see the white band at all.

Friday, March 16, 2007

My Grade B CRS

I have a mixed of grade B and C - total of 7

CRS - Grade A

This is my grade A CRS! I got 2 of them only.


Riccia close up look, can't find the CRS yet? they are hiding below the Riccia.

My 1st Crystal Red Shrimp tank

Tank size: 25cm x 25cm
Filter: External Eheim filter
Plant: Ricca and mini nana
Light: PL light 13Watt
CO2: 0.5 bubble per second (non-stop)